Adam Pike
Dec 3, 20248 min read
Personal Meditation Tips, Benefits, & Common Mistakes
Like most people, I struggled with meditation - finding the time, clearing my head, staying focused. Now I meditate every single day...

Adam Pike
Aug 29, 20247 min read
Alternative Medicine & The Power of Names
Is Alternative Medicine really all that Alternative? We've been using natural healing methods and spiritual healing for thousands of years..

Adam Pike
Apr 18, 20247 min read
What Makes a Place Spiritual?
What is it that makes a place ‘spiritual’? Is it an ancient monument, a remote hilltop, or music festival? Who gets to decide?

Adam Pike
Apr 9, 20244 min read
Our Birth Right to Roam
I was astonished to recently read how only 8% of England’s countryside is available to the public... we have even less access to our rivers

Adam Pike
Apr 5, 20246 min read
10 Spiritual Development Mistakes I've Made (so far)
Allow me to share with you the mistakes I've been making on my spiritual path. I hope it informs you and assists your on your own journey!

Adam Pike
Apr 2, 20246 min read
Big Fat Misconceptions (About Fat)
I'm taking on the worst nutritional misconceptions and bad advice, one at a time. This time it's fat, and the big fat lie about it being bad

Adam Pike
Apr 1, 20246 min read
The Many Benefits of Being Barefoot
Why barefoot is the best - save your joints, build your strength, hone your balance, heal your spirit, and connect with the natural world.

Adam Pike
Oct 31, 20233 min read
Halloween - An Intestinal Clean?
Is it a coincidence that traditional Halloween foods seem to serve a specific health purpose? Is there more to this spiritual festival?

Adam Pike
Sep 1, 20236 min read
The Roots of Humanity
Are houseplants just to make the living room pretty or do they offer so much more? Are they talking about you behind your back?

Adam Pike
Aug 15, 20235 min read
A History of Spiritual Games
A brief exploration of Spirituality in Gaming throughout human history. From Snakes and Ladders to modern video games,

Adam Pike
Jul 17, 20235 min read
Do You Choose To Read This?
Are you sleep-walking through life like a zombie, or are you making conscious decisions which shape your destiny?

Adam Pike
Jun 9, 20233 min read
Killing Time - Are You Guilty?
What exactly is Time? One of the few precious commodities we can't buy more of. Is it true that it can be killed, saved, lost or gained?